How to remove anti-theft from recently unrooted phone?

Need help quickly. Please tell me how to remove the anti-theft app from my recently unrooted Samsung GT-S5360. Will be grateful :slight_smile:


if you installed Anti-Theft rooted and unrooted your phone meanwhile, you’ll need to root it again to uninstall. It’s installed in the system partition which you can’t access without root permission.

when you’re rooted again, proceed as follows:
to remove root installations of avast! Anti-Theft you can use the “avast! Anti-Theft removal wizard” in Mobile Securitys Settings or use the free tool “Titanium Backup”.

alternatively we offer a at
unzip it and run uninstall.bat with your phone connected via USB to the pc. make sure usb-debugging is enabeled on your phone and the phone driver is installed on the PC.
If you do it on the PC where you rooted your phone you usually have these drivers available.


my recently unrooted Samsung

sorry - I missed this one.

since it’s unrooted, you need to root your phone before the uninstallation - or flash a new ROM.