How can I remove Index.Dat files, such as Temporary Internet Folder/Content.IE5/RDYSIKW (or some other weird 7 letter name)?
I don’t know why my Internet Explorer files end up in the hidden .DAT files. But they are taking up space, and when my Anti-Virus scans my computers these files always slow up the scanning process.
I have been using CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) to try and remove the Index.DAT files. However, apparently it is not removing them even though I have that option checked.
Is there any free program out there that can reliably wipe the Index.DAT files?
Do fish swim on Land?? No No Way my friend I wouldn’t suggest a program on this site that is in any way associated with malware. Ur I.T. Mate Group has been around for a long time and McAfees Site Advisor gives it the green light.
I was thinking exactly the same thing, as there is nothing about .dat files in my settings. I too have been using it for years I use ccleaner and clearprog to get rid of my temp files.
Ahh, let there be light I have never been in the plug-ins for some considerable time, I manage cookies from firefox and it is very rare that I use IE now.