How to Remove Index.Dat files?

How can I remove Index.Dat files, such as Temporary Internet Folder/Content.IE5/RDYSIKW (or some other weird 7 letter name)?

I don’t know why my Internet Explorer files end up in the hidden .DAT files. But they are taking up space, and when my Anti-Virus scans my computers these files always slow up the scanning process.

I have been using CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) to try and remove the Index.DAT files. However, apparently it is not removing them even though I have that option checked.

Is there any free program out there that can reliably wipe the Index.DAT files?

This is a pretty good program for deleting .dat file Please read the help file prior to use
as some .dat files are required
Index.dat Suite
Home Page

Hi Ted. Thanks for posting that link.

Just a question for you. Is there any spyware linked with this program? I’ve never heard of this website.

Do fish swim on Land?? No :wink: No Way my friend I wouldn’t suggest a program on this site that is in any way associated with malware. Ur I.T. Mate Group has been around for a long time and McAfees Site Advisor gives it the green light.

Hope this helps jujubee

I have been using this program myself for years

Tech’s right…that’s one good program…been using for years along with spyware blaster from the same company :o

MRU Blaster is a very good program! How do you configure it to locate *.dat File

is this the same thing tednelly ???

from Ccleaner…
Cleans the following
Internet Explorer
Temporary files, URL history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat. <<<<<<<<

CCleaner will remove index.dat files but will require a reboot.

Two more free ones are IE Privacy Keeper and iI Software’s System Wiper:

look in the settings of mru blaster… ???

Cheers guys learn something new every visit to the forum :wink:

and in everyday life also…have a good one avast forum…out of here and into the real world :o

CleanUp is another good one for any 32 bit version of Windows

@drhayden1 - I think you would enjoy the sound effect while cleaning.

I was thinking exactly the same thing, as there is nothing about .dat files in my settings. I too have been using it for years I use ccleaner and clearprog to get rid of my temp files.

MRU Blaster > Settings > Go to Plugins 8)

Ahh, let there be light I have never been in the plug-ins for some considerable time, I manage cookies from firefox and it is very rare that I use IE now.