HTML:IFrame-EB [Trj] on - is this a false positive?

Hello all, I’m new on this forum.
Avast has detected HTML:IFrame-EB [Trj] on hXXp://
My browser is Firefox 3.5.1 on XP SP3.

Is this a false positive?

Thank you for your help

I can’t access the site. is displayed whenever I click on it.

Note: Please modify your post. Change www to wxw to prevent accidental clicks on the suspected link.

I’m sorry, the link was wrong. Now I put the correct one.

So here is the dangerous script outside tag:


By the way, sorry for another request, please modify your http:// to hXXp://

Sorry for the stupid question by someone not expert; what to do now with the code you found? ???

Thank you again for your help

hey albe

dont worry about the code if you are a novice. just know that the site is affected. that is it. and it is not a false positive.

thank you. really great support from you all!!!

you are welcome,

come back if you have any problems.

You should modify the code as pasting the complete script ‘could’ cause avast to alert on the post as has happened in the past. This is why I use images to show the offending script/s as it is (for me) quicker than physically editing the script.