HTML:RedirME-inf-trj False-Positive?

I hope I’m posting this in the correct thread. It was the closest that I saw that matched my question.

When attempting to visit hxxp://www. focus-fundraising . com , Avast blocks the site and reports it infected with HTML:RedirME-inf-trj.

However, when I ran an online scan at virustools . com and at securi, it reports the site is clean.

This happens to be a site of an associate of mine who has set up their own Wordpress site for their business. I’m hoping someone may be able to tell me if it is a false-positive or if, indeed, the site is infected and needs cleaning.

Also, if it is a false-positive, is there a way to request it not be blocked by Avast so that it wouldn’t cost visitors to their site should those visitors also be using Avast?

Thanks for any help you can give. I just want to advise them of the best steps to take to fix any issue.

Seems it contain a redirect to a blacklisted URL

maybe this one

I will notify somone from avast team to have a look :wink:

I removed focus-fundraising[.]com from our blacklist, probably an old detection :slight_smile:
Thanks for letting us know!

Thank you both so much for your quick responses, and for resolving it as well! This is just one reason why I’ve used Avast for years on all of my devices and continue to recommend it to every friend, family member, and client.

You may need to run a manual avast update and reboot computer for it to take effect :wink: