Page with application/x-javascript (ad-tracker code) link to adguard report blocked by Dr.Web Link Checker
Dr.Web has blocked following the advertising link to ensure your privacy. If you still want to follow this link, click the «Open incognito»button, in this case the link will be opened in incognito mode in your browser. If you do not want to receive such warnings, you can change the lock level settings Dr.Web Link Checker. You can visit in incognito mode!
The direct code is blocked by uBlocker, because filter '||^"
WOT does not particularly like it:
- the tracking cookies from there are a minor issue…the palevo infection was serious!
And I get the following warning on page trying to reach: htxp://
window.onbeforeunload = fw_confirmExit; function fw_confirmExit() { return "WARNING! This page is attempting to forward you to another site. If you do not trust this site, you should click CANCEL."; } window.setTimeout(function(){ window.onbeforeunload=null;},600);
//setTimeout(function() {if (window.frames.length >0){ for (i = 0 ; i < frames.length; i++){ try { var x = frames[i].contentDocument; if(typeof(x) === 'undefined') { frames[i].location = '';
//} else { if(x.document) x = x.document; if(typeof(x) === 'undefined') { frames[i].location = 'htxp://'; } } } catch (e){ frames[i].location = 'htxp://'; } }}}, 1000);