http error 403 on upgrade

I am doing some troubleshooting for my father-in-law. The firewall in avast IS is not working…appears to be due to network connections not being picked up. I wanted to upgrade from 6.0.1000 to 6.0.1091 to see if that helped.

In avast using the update I am receiving

HTTP error(403), while trying

When using the link in this forum I get a 403 - Forbidden


I am getting this error also now as of today.

I am a slower typer…that was not there when I started :stuck_out_tongue: . Mods please delete/lock

Hey there avast this fault is not fixed, I turned my computer on about a hour after your 15/20 time scale and all my computers in my house are getting 403 on the DB and Software it just not letting updatge do we have a time scale on how long this will be to have have this fix as I not really happy that my computer is no longer protected :-[


Hey guys I’ve still got this problem too. Gave me a heart attack this morning; been trying to fix it for around 30 minutes mow too >.< Little did I know it wasn’t my error >.<

search the forums, this has been posted already >>> the servers are currently blocked to correct an error, this will be fixed soon.

Should now be fixed.


No Vlk Does not seem to be fixed in the UK unless it will take a few mins to get around the internet it did try but the it went to 403 again.

Edit, Yes its now updating I just had to close the app full and restart it and this time it updated thanks VlK

still getting a 403 here…

It just worked for me.

Working now in central canada

OK I was wrong 403 is back ??? It tried and started to download then 403ed me again now I am getting it again.

If it doesn’t work, give it a minute and it will - the servers are being restarted as we speak.


fixed here now >>> 110420-1 downloaded

OK I give it a test little later have to go out now thanks for the update Vlk