Avast! detects that that link is contains a virus code. Anyone else had this ? I encountered it by going to: —> going to latest releases —> clicking on Internet Explorer Release Candidate 1 ----> and when the page loads, I get avast! detecting


My scanner was set to silent mode, so its aborted and I’m safe right … ? The one good thing with this is that we know Internet Explorer 7 is closer to release …

Corrected post linking.

The aborted connection should stop it being downloaded to your system so you should be ok.

I tried to check that link using DrWeb extension and get an error:

Can`t fetch file pointed by your url. This may be caused by several reasons:
* Remote file is not available (not found, requires authentication, permission denied)
* Remote site is down, or very slow, or busy
* No network connectivity between Dr.Web online server and remote web-site</blockquote>

So it is hard to say if it was a correct detection or a hiccup.

For the future though, please don’t post active links to suspect locations/urls, break it up or use the code tag (# hash icon), e.g.

Or http :// that way we avoid accidental exposure for the curious.

Oh, okay, thanks. So it isn’t known if its a real malicious detection yet right ?

There is no way to confirm one way or another if the page can’t be loaded to be examined or the file ADSAdClient31.dll downloaded.

It may just be a sluggish server unusual for Microsoft and you would like to hope there pages haven’t been hacked (not impossible). I can’t seem to be able to get the ADSAdClient31.dll I end up with a 0KB file.

What malware was reported, btw?
You may be able to find it in avast! Log, if you don’t remember.

Hi Happy-Dude,

Got these results from the site:
Dr.Web (R) daemon for Linux v4.33 (
Copyright © Igor Daniloff, 1992-2005

Last update time: 2006-08-26,18:44:34

File size: 15385 bytes - archive HTML - OK - OK - OK - OK - OK

But it is an adserver. and adsad.client is M$ hotmail ad client:


What malware was reported, btw?
You may be able to find it in avast! Log, if you don't remember.

Well, I wasn’t able to find it in the log, but I’m pretty sure I remembered it as a “virus/worm” detection.

Rightclick on the blue avast! tray icon and select Log Viewer. Virus detections should be in the “Warning” cathegory (though I’m not sure what’s the default logging sensitivity).