my update logs me out of all my accounts every time i exit.
I have to constantly log back in to gmail to get to my calender.
please assist?
It sounds like a browser or cache cleaner issue. Which do you use?
i have the full family of Avast software.
this issue started right after AVAST updated my.
Please list all Avast Software you have installed on the system.
Avast Anti Trac Premium
Secure LIne VPN
Premium Security
Avast Cleanup certainly has the potential to log you out of websites. I would recommend going through the settings, particularly any ones relating to browser cleaning and cookies. I don’t use Cleanup for Windows so I’m just guessing that you have set some type of auto-cleaning function.
I apologize for a sketchy answer this morning, but I was in a hurry. You can find full Cleanup user instructions at
thank you!
i think the problem is with explorer browser?
When i use the advast browser, i do not have the problem.
You’re welcome. Glad you got it sorted.