Using avast pro version 4.6739
Virus database 05550.0
Windows XP Home SP2 with all Microsoft updates
I am going to have to uninstall Avast and this is why.
I have to uninstall and reinstall avast
I keep losing Script blocker and uninstalling and reinstalling is the only thing that gets Script blocker working again.
And there has never been a answer as how to fix this, as i have posted this problem on more then one occasion.
But today is the last strraw
Avast will not except my License Key.
I place it in but it just sits there and does nothing.
My paid subscription is up to the 1 July 2006, but now it expires 17 DEC 2005.
So I will lose my “paid subscription for 6 months that i have paid for”"
Can any one from Alwil comment on this.
So I will download the free version of Avast for now, and will look around for another antivirus software. Any suggestions?
Cheers >:(
PS I am now using Avast free and scrip trap for script viruses as well as Microsoft antispyware.
Yes I press OK button several times and nothing changes.
When i did with Avast free it changed straight away from the trial to 1 March 2007.
I tried my PRO Key by using copy and paste and nothing changed stayed as free version.
I have decided to keep using Avast free for the moment, as having problems with Script Blocker stopping so much. It was one of the reasons I went to Pro version.
I’d say it must be some kind of conflict with other scripting tools…
Anyway, as I explaned in the other thread, Script Blocker is rather an obsolete feature. If it were for me, I’d start thinking about removing it completely from avast… or maybe making it an optional (= not installed by default) part of any avast edition, don’t know.
Poor Crofty i hope you resolve your problem but if you don’t and you’re 100% sure you want to switch from avast pro i would recommend you go with the home version of avast but that’s up to you.I too was an avast pro user for a year and i really loved avast at first and was happy with it but then i started to have some boot delay issues which i couldn’t resolve i was also having script blocker issues similar to yours also and i was extremly unhappy with the virus submittal process + the detection rates aren’t as good as they used to be.So i decided not to extend my subscription and chose a different AV(altough i still use avast home on my other pc’s ).It’s a shame really cause other than that avast is really great program.
Crofty, I’ve tried to help you there but I couldn’t find the solution.
ReVaN, I haven’t see you had trouble too…
Maybe Alwil could pay a little attention to the old ones here…, for instance, submition process should be improved.
RejZor has gone away too… C’mon, let’s make avast better
Sorry Tech but i didn’t understand that could you rephraze please?.. thanks
I agree with that Tech and i really hope alwil improve, especially the virus submittal should be a priority to alwil.And also like Igor said the script blocker should be removed from the program if it’s obsolete.
it has an improved bits of malware detection engine
Rejzor said:
Thats good to hear. I mean improvements on detection. GUI and other interface stuff along with features and tweaks are already in ADVANCED+ level. Just keep on working on detection. Thats the most important thing!
I mean that if I knew you had a trouble I would tryed to help but, as far I remember, I didn’t know you have a trouble so I was not able to help you in anyway. Can you post a link to the thread you’ve posted your problem for the first time?
This is a surprise for me… Why does Igor is saying so? Vlk, can you help us here?
Detection needs improvement, no doubt, but every antivirus works on having better detection.
But, as far I remember, Alwil promissed good news for us and we’re waiting…
No need to Caps, no need to blame in my opinion. We’re trying to make avast better but we’re not fighting with Alwil team.
Like everyone should know no single program can detect everything, that is what online scanners are for to confirm your system is clean. I have been using avast for the past year and I have had no problems it has detected almost all viruses and the virus it did not detect i sent in and it was added to detection so avast has good detection. If it didn’t i would not be using it even though it is free.
It was not my intention to Caps my speech because I wanted to blame Alwin team for not having good detection rates, but rather to make a cheer…
See, cheer…
Now realy, I now what programers are put trough, cause I’m engaged in the similar work branche. All they hear about is complaint about their program and how it’s not working, etc. I bet they sometimes feel like
“Here’s you damn program, do programing by youreself, I’m out of here!!”
So from now on I won’t report just bugs and troubleshooting! Every detection will be posted here…
Concerning avast, I realy think that it has a future as one of the best AV ever…