My Anti-Virus program, while causing unprecedented delays in Firefox now greets me daily with the wonderful Pirate message.
On the avast site is the link to Cnet to download the free version. Which I originally did.
And when you do, you must register for a pass [guess it’s not THAT free is it] and when I did register I got this
Dear user,
Your registration of avast! 4 Home Edition was successful. You must now insert your license key into the program.
Your license key is:
---------- cut here ----------
W20585824H1400A0411-_______ [I removed a few numbers]
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and after awhile, perhaps a few months you get the daily greeting calling you a thief for using a pirated serial. For a program downloaded from an Avast link and a serial gained from the avast website and sent by the email address
Damn, guess the Avast website and Cnet are a fraud setup amongst the line of other organizations that set up websites to gain your personal info. Thankfully I have a purchased copy of Norton that I installed and am currently doing an indepth scan to see what other problems Avast has… cause if it’s calling a registered user with a CNET download a thief… I doubt very seriously it’s catching any virus written after 1997.
You get what you paid for with free programs, don’t you?
ps: If the serial is bad, why let it run for 9 months…