It happened to me but i reformatted PC last week and I’m on pins and needles every time the darn PC boots up praying icons are there that should be in system tray. I’m thinking maybe i should switch to Outpost Pro. Online Armor premium is good but i see all of these people here citing problems with tray icons disappearing just like problem i had last week.
Probably should ask this at Tall Emu. The only icon I am having problems with is Avastui.exe being blocked on boot, and I suspect that has something to do with the way Avast! is handling the IDs for the betas. I just run the GUI and all is well; will see what happens with the final release update. Also, leaving avast.setup as allow/trusted even when it has been removed seems to help OA recognize it as the same program. Check OA under Programs to see that the missing icons are for GUIs that are allow/trusted.
okay i’ll check that but so far i have not experienced the missing tray icon since reformat. but it seems its affecting other people in reading other posts in forum threads . i will email tall emu right now I’m so darn paranoid its like waiting for a time bomb to go off, tick… toc…tick …toc… thanks for reply.
I use Online Armor Free and I don’t have any issues with tray icons disappearing.
When I used Online Armor Premium I didn’t have any issues with tray icons disappearing.
The only problem I had with Online Armor is a pop up at every boot up for magicJack in Online Armor Premium. I have no problem with pop ups at boot up for magicJack in Online Armor Free.
I have a license for Online Armor Premium, but switched to Online Armor Free due annoyance of the pop ups for magicJack.
OA is smooth, stable & very lite on resources. There is no detectable slow down in my internet speed.
Obviously those who have issues with tray icons disappearing have software conflict(s) or haven’t allowed & trusted the programs for which the icons are disappearing.
I agree with the above poster. I use OA Premium (paid) and have had no problems. Which version (release) of OA Premium are you using?
I would suggest that you uninstall OA, since it does a clean uninstall, and then reinstall it. Prior to this, type your Key somewhere that you can cut/paste it. Make sure you clean your PC in between the uninstall and reinstall and remember to reboot twice in between. A good cleaner is CCleaner (also does registries).
Upon installation, set it to “Trust Everything,” which includes Avast. Go through the prompts of the installation. When you get to the point of making trusted exclusions, add Avast as a trusted exclusion to OA (and vice versa).
When you are finished, OA will go through a 2 minute Learning period at this point…do NOT touch your PC or do anything! It is during this time that trusted ports and Firewall Rules are set up (you can later see them under Advanced Settings). Don’t add any addition port settings unless you already know you need them or have consulted with Tall Emu, or the OA Forum (esp. CatPrincess).
If you are still having problems, perhaps you need to do a clean uninstall of Avast and install. The other option is to check and see if you have reminents of old firewall or antivirus software in your machine that might be conflicting with your current software. I would also recommend running another malware tool such as Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware (MBAM), which doesn’t conflict with OA or Avast (or most any product). It can’t hurt to layer your protection as long as they don’t conflict.
You might also want to post your problem as a new thread on the OA Premium forum to better problem solve; they do respond rather quickly.