Hello eveyone. I like the Avast 4 and I use that Program,
for home but I have a Virus that I
can’t Repair or Delete the virus is :
Virus name : VBS:MiMail-A [Wrm]
File name : C:\WINDOWS.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
VPS version : 0402-2, 02/25/2004
Hm, please update your Avast defs. Sounds like a false alarm to me. Is the folder and filename complete? and if so, please search the registry for that file.
Identify the filename and location of the gaobot, kill the "gaobotfilename"task and delete the file (or let Avast do it for you) or do it in safe mode (or let Avast do it for you) or just disable the startup of the gaobot( there are allmost zwo startupentires to that file) by using MSCONFIG.EXE and delete the file after restart.