I can't go online with avast running

I can’t go online with avast running and have to shut avast down before i can go online, once avast is off i can go online with no trouble at all.

I’m running vista with an out dated version of mcafee(it came installed on the system and i don’t want to pay 70 dollars for updates) on it and avast 4.8 home edtion on it

if mc affee still is installed you have to uninstall it!

  1. go to the control panel and uninstall Mc Afee

  2. download an removal tool:
    (don’t know if this is working for you…)

  3. reinstall avast to repair your installation…

does this work?

Worked great thank you, I really hated going online without virus protection

you’re welcome :slight_smile:
happy, that i could helt :wink: