I don't see any antispyware in Avast 4.8

I observed that anyone has responded to few things in my first post and I find better to ask one of them in a new one:

New version avast 4.8 has antispyware but I can’t see any specific module and i wonder if this new feature can dull a spyware installed on my system like Spybot and if it is necesary to be installed.

There isn’t a dedicated module.
The antispyware capacity is on the virus database and the cleaning procedure.
avast detect and block spyware as well as viruses.

So you think it is necessary the support of a dedicated program to prevent spies , an antispyware like Spybot?

whoa! more than 30000 posts! :o
i saw one mod of Spanish emule help with more than 13000 and already seemed me a great figure.
Since when you’re here?
Hey im testing the spell check feature of the forum, is great! I would like to important only english forums have this feature to help non english speakers to correctly post.

I would suggest SAS (free) which isn’t resident but on-demand scanner so it doesn’t use any resources (if you stop it running on startup), I run it once a week (first download the latest updates) as part of my regular weekly system maintenance.

If using winXP or Vista SUPERantispyware On-Demand only in free version. Or Spyware Terminator Resident scanner (if you use this don’t install the toolbar or crawler or the anti-virus module).

I have used Spybot in the past but I stopped using it before the new version came out and the fact SAS is very good I have never gone back to it.

Sincerely, not. I have SuperAntispyware and SpywareTerminator as a second opinion, just for on-demand scannings.

Monday, 14-07-03, 22h32 :wink:

Tech is a special phenomenon …

He has helped users that must be without number by now …

Long may he continue this effort and his posts be unrivaled for the help they give to the community of avast users!

Thanks for the kind words…

SAS is very good at detecting b/c of its new DDA (direct disk access) which bypasses the OS. i scan with that and spybot and have spywareblaster as realtime. (i also keep windows defender on even though it does basically nothing, but layered protection is the way to go).

SpywareBlaster isn’t real-time as it is a passive/immunisation means of protection, adding to restricted sites and IE/firefox/opera, etc. activeX (IE only) and tracking cookies etc. So it isn’t actually running.

Good morning.

Anti-Malwre - “PC Protection From Nasties In General”.

It is very easy to become paranoid and feed that paranoia by installing layer upon layer of protection, while ignoring or forgetting that something like 99% of malware infection is self-inflicted, i.e., the result of sloppy practices and careless internet activities.

Most of our arguments for (or against) a particular piece of software stem as much from comfortable familiarity as from trusted performance. To a large degree this is justifiable, as a program we are not able to use with ease and comfort might be worse than having none at all.

I currently use the following as permanent protection:

  • Avast 4.8 Pro (having fallen out with AVG),
  • SuperAntispyware Pro,
  • Windows Defender,
  • SpywareBlaster.

For on-demand, I have:

  • A-Squared Free
  • AVG-AS (ex Ewido) Free
  • Spybot S&D (mainly for nostalgia, I suppose…).

My firewall is ZoneAlarm 6.1.744, Free. (I have a Pro license, for this and for v.7xx, but prefer the simpler free, and earlier, version - comfortable familiarity?)

Over some time, I have compiled a folder of captive “nasties” that I use to try to test (and, in my own way, ‘evaluate’) the various malware scans, etc.

They have been gathered from various sources, including P2P sources, and the quarantine chests of several anti-virus and anti-spyware programs. They also include a Trojan simulator (www.misec.net/trojansimulator) and the spycar files (www.spycar.org).

The total number of files (at this time) is 45.
They range in nature from benign, but suspicious, to downright evil.

The following figures might be of interest. They show how many of the 45 infected or suspect files were detected by different scans.

The results are, of course, not definitive, and I regard them merely as a general indicator of a program’s effectiveness as a malware detector.

(Reference, “i also keep windows defender on even though it does basically nothing”. This also was my opinion; however, the detection rate for Defender might be surprising - it impressed me, especially as none of the test “nasties” was harvested from Defender’s quarantine files.)

Scan n/45 Detected
A-Squared Free 20
Windows Defender 17
Avast 16
SuperAntispyware 1
Spybot S&D 0

Kaspersky Online 18
Panda Online 16
Trend Online 7


I click on the link you gave and appears that Superantispyware have real time protection but dont know if this include registry protection. But I have to say that I have installed avast in other computer and dont alert neithe windows me that the firewall was disabled. I run spybot and detect me Firewall and (long time ago) Antiveurs Overrride.
30000 posts, more than 16 per day!

He has helped users that must be without number by now ...
what does it means?
SAS is very good at detecting b/c of its new DDA (direct disk access) which bypasses the OS.
Hey hey hey! easy dude! :o Im not an expert! http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/haushalt/k050.gif b/c, DDA, bypass..What means all that? ???
SpywareBlaster isn't real-time as it is a passive/immunisation means of protection, adding to restricted sites and IE/firefox/opera, etc. activeX (IE only) and tracking cookies etc. So it isn't actually running.
Some people have Spybot / Adaware and SpywareBlaster or Spysweeper (i think do the same) and sometimes I tought to install them but in the latest Spybot versions have a inmunisation feature that works good so I dont install the others.
while ignoring or forgetting that something like 99% of malware infection is self-inflicted, i.e., the result of sloppy practices and careless internet activities.
I don't agree, an infection never is selfinlicted, you never want to get infected. But internet (like the world) is a very vast place fotr all type of atttractive contents (porn, shocking, hacker) and sometimes is difficult to don't succumb to temptation... http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/teufel/a045.gif . Who don't enter sometime in one of this sites? Of course! This are part of our subconscious and sometimes is good to free it, in a controlled way of course. As the world, internet is not always a safe place, but this doesn't mean that we have limitate our navegation habits. If all the people think like this, the man kind never explore the world and never has known the deep sea or space. Sometmes we have to run the risk if you want to learn or [u]discover [/u](I like this word) something. ;) Don't doing it, we don't make the most of interent 100% (I thinkit like in life, is worth enjoy to the max :D) and is a pity, cause the internet tariff (at least in Spain) is expensive.! And the best tool to help us is the one that protect us better. What do you mean with [i]on demand[/i]? I use windows firewall, it is probably for that im infected? see the other my post. Thanks for that chart, I consider it. But I read in Windows defender page that this is only for Original windows users,and thats not my case... ::) Im considering to migrate to Linux, and avoid all of this.


But i saw that there is a Linux Avast, so Linux isnt invencible neither… :-
Thanks all guys! :wink:

The SAS real-time protection is only with the paid for version and not for the free version. That said I don’t know if it has a registry protection function, rather a registry scanning on scan to try to detect known malware entries in the registry but not actually preventing changes to the registry.

When I had Spybot S&D installed (the old version) it detected I had spywareblaster installed and basically said that was better for immunisation. I don’t know if that is true with the latest S&D version.

I don’t know who the on-demand question is directed, but a scanner can be either on-access (resident) and when a file is accessed the scanner automatically scans that file first (depending on your settings and the file type). An on-demand scan is one that the user initiates, e.g. if you want avast to scan your hard disks, you use the Simple User Interface to start (demand) the scan.

When I had Spybot S&D installed (the old version) it detected I had spywareblaster installed and basically said that was better for immunisation. I don't know if that is true with the latest S&D version.
Spybot "said" to you this? :o. Probably in this old version inmunisation wasnt available yet so many people install spywareblater, but I can tell you that now is available, check spybot web.

You can use both immunization features or even use AdvancedWindowsCare one.
Three won’t conflict, they will overwrite the protection in the same place, afik.

Just I’ve tried to help other users here since quite some time ago…

I search Advanced Windows care and find this screenshot:


My pc is two years old so i don’t think that has a hardware problem. Besides I dont know how a system can have errors or conflicts ???. Ive heard that Linux have less errors, is it true? But this program don’t detect spyware? Is a system optimizer? I use CCleaner for that.

he has helped users that must be without number by now ... what does it means? Just I've tried to help other users here since quite some time ago...
Do you refer to avast serial number? Hey you dont sleep here? ;D
he has helped users that must be without number by now ...

Since you are quoting me I shall answer you.

What it means is very simply this … Tech, out of generosity and willingness to contribute to the avast community, has given so much of time and effort to answer those who just scan this forum and also to those who post here that the numbers of those helped must now be beyond computation. I may go a little overboard in that estimation but when it also covers those who wish to also divulge the difficulties of their daily lives in this forum too … and yet Tech still gives the same care and attention to the answers … I think I must submit the name of Tech to Rome for beatification.

Just be glad that Tech is here … and that Tech cares.

I don't agree, an infection never is selfinlicted, you never want to get infected.
Sorry, strongly disagree. As an analogy, having unprotected sex with a stranger might be more enjoyable.Less fuss. But if you get an infection from it, who's responsible? The other person? Maybe. You? Definitely. Same with windows based systems, although I think that computer vendors (sellers) could be a little more proactive at providing "safe-surfing tips". Anyway, we all (mostly) know that malware is around, and some of us have an awareness of some of the ways it can get in. I read a lot of help forums. Logs are often posted. In a fair majority of cases, malware entered the computer because of a deliberate action on the part of the user. (Drive-by downloads were also pretty common, and often associated with out of date software.Which is also the responsibility of the user.)
Spybot "said" to you this? Probably in this old version inmunisation wasnt available yet so many people install spywareblater, but I can tell you that now is available, check spybot web
Spybot has had the "immunize" function since version 1.3, and maybe before that. Say, 4 years plus.
b/c, DDA, bypass..What means all that?
b/c = because. DDA = Direct disk access. Bypass = (Simply) Can see more stuff. Doesn't need Windows to approve/view things.
Besides I dont know how a system can have errors or conflicts. Ive heard that Linux have less errors, is it true? But this program don't detect spyware? Is a system optimizer? I use CCleaner for that
Anyone who has used Windows for a time knows that sometimes, errors or conflicts can happen. I've tried out a few programs that have damaged the operating system, made something not work correctly. Often, when Windows gets itself confused, a reboot fixes it. Linux does have a reputation for being robust, and not prone to malware. Never tried it, though, except at work. I think Advanced Windows Care comes with Windows Defender, which claims to detect and remove spyware etc. CCleaner is a cleaner, not really an optimizer, although that may appear to be the result. An optimizer would make changes to certain system settings to make the PC work at peak performance, or for a particular type of task.

to alan
I understand now, and I don’t want to divulgue my difficulties, books are divulgued,not difficulties.

In the other post (have you readed?)I was saturated of all, not only I couldn’t disinfect my computer, but really bad things happened to me and I exploded and wrote here. For things like this people do extreme things like escape or suicide, cause a lot of things (not only one) get worse and few or anyone cares (like you). :frowning: But fortunately Davidr understand me and support me. Days after some things in my life get better and I feel happy and write em cause david said me that he hoped my life get better so Ithink that he glad of it. Then Tech didn’t say anything of that and replied me,so i understand why you say tech cares. Yes, Im glad that still are there sensitive persons in the world and related to computers, I was thinking that most are so insensitive and cold like you. You dont answer to any doubt I have (except of this short explanation) and If you think that is less important to give personal support (only in a few lines that can lighten the mood) than computing support and dont understan that both supports can be given exceptionally in the same place, then your human value is equal to the computer you use: ZERO.

to tarq:
again you are wrong,whrn you are infected by a sex disease the infection isn’t selfinflicted, you don’t infect yourself! Let’s speak well. The infection, computational, sexual or viral always is from another. Thats what I want to say and of course that we are responsible that the webs we visit but,as analogy, if you want to go to a cat house you won’t go only for is it dangerous and can get any sexual disease, you will take a condom to prevent it and thats it. :stuck_out_tongue: I dont know whats Drive-by downloads.
Im informed of Linux and this better programmed than windows cause it don’t have fragmentation so it doesnt need aany system optimezer, is an OS optimized :). But Advanced Windows Care is from IObit, not Microsoft! How can com with winbugs defender?
I downloaded CCleaner from optimizer section of softonic and when you clean temporaly things and registry you optimize the system, so I was thinking that was an optimizer. Thanks for explanation, then what are that changes to certain system settings that optimizers do? Just for curiosity… :wink:

thanks all guys (except alan
) Im learning a lot!

Go to a “cat house” (as you put it), wear a condom, it’s still no guarantee.
And it’s the same with downloading anything from the internet, even with the recommended security software. Even the best AV can occasionally let something through.
So it’s still your own responsibility. Don’t get me wrong, if you want to look at porn, download warez, whatever, I don’t care. But to do those sorts of things and then moan about the antivirus not protecting you is a bit rich.
Likewise, clicking on attachments in an IM program (a common source of infection.)

Of course AWC is from Iobit. Sorry. And it does have an antispyware capability. I don’t know how good that is, though. Nor have I used the optimizer function, as I’ve already applied a couple of tweaks here and there in my system, and don’t want them altered.
From what I’ve seen, optimizers typically alter the internet settings to speed the connection a little. TCP windows, etc. Don’t really know much about it. The only time I saw one make much difference was with a really old system, on dial up.

Good morning.

As already said, by “on demand” I mean not permanently running, but run as a stand-alone scan to use when I think of it.

I’m a bit old-fashioned, and very much a creature of habit and comfort:

  • I don’t like “suites”; I prefer my antivirus, antispyware, firewall… etc, to be discreet entities, separate and independent of each other.
  • I prefer programs to tell me what they have found and to let me to decide what should be done. I do not want a program to do what IT thinks I should have it do.
    (Not easily done with many programs - with Avast, I have a log saved to the desktop so that I can at least see what it has found and done during its 6.00am scan, and repair any damage - so far, all is well.

In my opinion:

  • Spybot S&D and AdaAware are fairly useless in the modern environment, and certainly not good enough to be relied on as main anti-malware programs.
    (The “Teatimer” facility in SpyBot S&D should, be avoided like the pox: unless you know what you are doing, you can do serious damage to the registry.)

  • SuperAntispyware Free is not brilliant, but better than both SpyBot and AdaWare combined.

  • The best free antimalware programs I have found, for detection rates and ease of use, are A-Squared and Windows Defender.

  • AVG-AntiSpyware (ex Ewido 4) is pretty good but seems to be no longer available since it was rolled up into the AVG8 suite, thus removing one of the better free programs available!

  • BitDefender is also very good, but I simply don’t like it (and it seems to cause instability in my machine).

(NOTE: No single program will detect everything. But some detect more than others. For example: as part of monitoring and testing my “defenses”, I have a keylogger installed on my PC. It records everything I do on my PC - every program I run, every website, every keystroke, every mouse action… If activated, it will silently send all that information to an email address of my choosing at regular times. I regard that as the most frightening device on my machine, yet the only programs I have tried that alert me of its presence are A-Squared, AVG-AntiSpyware and Windows Defender.)

Windows firewall is good as far as it goes, but:

  • it only stops stuff getting in; it allows outgoing traffic (and interaction between programs) without question ;

  • it freely allows other programs to turn it off without warning (eg, ZoneAlarm)!
