When i did a scan the virus Win32:Kuang2 was found in c:\windows\system32\activescan this active scan is an online virus scanner with Panda. I went on avast and found this article http://avast.com/eng/virus_detection_and.html#idt_1554 it says its not a virus but the signature is the same.
So how do i set up my avast virus scanner not to scan imscan.dll anymore cause whenever i do a scan it finds that imscan.dll is found with the virus Win32:Kuang2 please let me know.
Be sure they’re not infected… If you do it with a wrong file you’ll keep your system infected.
Submit the file to Jotti and let us know the results, i.e., if it is or not a false positive.
If you are getting a virus warning that you believe is a false positive, then if you can zip and password protect (‘virus’, will do) the suspect file and send it to virus (at) avast.com.
Give a brief outline of the problem, the fact that you believe it to be a false positive and include the password in the body of the email. Some info on the avast version and VPS number (see About avast: right click avast icon) will also help.
Do I configured avast not to scan for imscan.dll or the C:/windows/system32/activeScan
They’re not infected… I Submitted the file to Jotti it is a false positive.
What excactly do I type in the Avast Exclustion?
You can use wildcards like * and ?.
But be carefull, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.
For the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning):
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…
For the other providers (on-demmand scanning such as the screen-saver or the Simple User Interface):
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon, click Program Settings.
Go to Exclusions tab and click on Add button…
Personally I would get rid of the Panda ActiveScan folder, It really grieves me when they deposit this crp in the system folders. You may need to disable system restore and reboot, remove the folder, reboot and enable system restore again. Otherwise the crp may just be transferred to the system volume information folder and get detected there instead.
There are many other on-line scanners that you can use that don’t do this.
On-line Virus Scanners and other useful Links Security-Ops.eu.tt
If you want to keep it you can use wildcards to cut the length, c:\windows*\imscan.dll, but there may be other files containing unencrypted virus signatures.