I get URL:MAL alerts on my doctor's website

My Podiatrist has asked me to go to his website (ocpodiatry[.]com) to order some products and watch some videos. When I do, I get a URL:MAL alert (see attached) that will not go away until I have performed a scan of my system and close the website.

I have added the doctor’s URL to my AVAST exceptions list to no avail. I need to get to the site ASAP to order an item and watch a video.

I called them doctor’s office and they felt I was getting the alerts because their site offers many external links for products, videos and such, but so do many other sites I regularly visit.

How do I stop this madness?

You can report a suspected FP (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php

Thanks, I posted the site.

You’re welcome.

This was caused by a block on, which was recently swarmed with malicious domains. I have now unblocked the IP, so you should not get any more warnings.

I can now access the site. Thank you so much!