I get URL:MAL warning on the website I host and develop


I have tried to scan with the virus scanner provided in my cpanel tools, with no virus found.

Please assist! I am developing for a client, and a blocked website is not a good sales argument.



You can report a possible FP here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php

Hallo :wink:

seems the IP ( has one block here http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check
listed at l2.apews.org

som info posted there http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist/apews

Whatismyipaddress.com does not recommend the usage of this blacklist. [b]It has the potential to block large segments of IP addresses. [/b] If you are listed with them it is generally not a problem.

so maybe this is why?

Thank you for the information! Really appreciate it!

I will contact my ISP about this.

Hi Artisten,

And that blacklisting was not for nothing, see how that server with your IP has been misused and abused here: http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/viruses.php?sort=firstseen%20desc&review= (malcode all dead or closed now - longest open for over 26 hours)
There has also been reports of PHISHING for that IP and was listed here http://www.e-fensive.net/malware.pests
Also a lot of defacements foing on: http://support.clean-mx.com/clean-mx/portals.php?ns2=ns1.proisp.no&sort=id%20DESC&response=alive
Reputation of your bad webhost: First Bad Host Appearance approximately 2 years, 10 months, 5 weeks ago
Last Bad Host Appearance within 2 years, 9 months, 1 week
Bad Host Appearances 58 appearance(s) in spam e-mail or spam post urls


So my network neighborhood is filthy and it hurts my clean websites reputation.

Its sad that my website is affected by what other sites on the same cpanel server does.

I am really grateful for your investigation in the matter, hopefully my ISP can transfer me to a “cleaner” neighborhood…

If they use the same IP, yes.

Hi Artisten and Asyn,

See: http://sameid.net/ip/
671 websites with that same IP says something about the service model of that ISP (earn money versus security).
With a dedicated single IP you do not have to live with the problems of abuse on that same IP.
Seems hosters is quickly to act on abuse, but still that is your overall situation…one bad apple in the basket will ruin web rep: see: http://www.urlvoid.com/ip/
This on the same IP is blacklisted: http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/rocknlol.no/ (so the damage can go on a year after initial report issued ?!?)
but seems currently safe: http://www.avgthreatlabs.com/sitereports/domain/rocknlol.no/
There also is the possibility of hidden domain names…
