i have a hard one, 95% of anti viruses do not detect this. suggestions?

avast didn’t detect it, i went and ran a virus check on it to be sure and sure enough it was.

i have no idea how i even check to see if i still have it, nor do i have any idea how to remove it.


any suggestions?

then again it might not be a virus, but the program does not work, so I’m not really even sure.

Upload it to different antivirus vendors and let them play with it… 8)

[font=Segoe UI]Good day and welcome to the forums fpsgameridrc,

Fraps is a legitimate software by Beepa. It is a generic tool for DirectX and OpenGL games. A realtime video capture and benchmarking software.

If you got it from a dodgey site, then please be cautious. CNET hosts download for Fraps so I’d suggest that you download it from there instead. Fraps @ CNET

What was the program that originally installed this, if you know? And how did you come to think it is malware related? Just by submitting the file to vt/jotti?

You could have a look at using Prevx, here is the Prevx page entry for the file.

yes i know, i tried to download a “cracked version” ourt of stupidity. and the program didnt work.

currently running prevx, ill check back in a bit.

yes i know, i tried to download a "cracked version" ourt of stupidity. and the program didnt work.
Says it all, really. ::) Do you need more help with removal? Look to the reg entries indicated on the Prevx page I linked above. You might need to download a copy of Prevx to help with removal. You could also manually add the .exe to Avast's chest, and upload it to Avast for analysis.

this is great it worked, but inorder to delete them i need to buy it lol, and i wont have money for awhile. and i dont think i want to buy either for a 1 time use…

ill look into doing this manually, although ill most likely need to read a sticky lol.

Well I’m starting to see what this virus is doing, it’s clearing my passwords/users names from websites pretty much so I’m guessing this a key logger.

You mean it’s harvesting them? Or simply disabling the auto-logon? Or actually preventing you accessing your online stuff?
I hope you don’t/haven’t done banking/credit card purchases with this computer.

well, more then likely both i dont know, but if it is farming/harvesting my passwords, it will not get my paypal or anything really important.

and I’m not going to log onto anything until i fix this. … but i dont think i can with out buying anything -.-

Try this.
And try MBAM, from here.

why don’t you backup your files if you have not done so already and wipe the hard drive clean and reformat, geez thats what i would do not worth taking a chance sitting back and letting whatever this is doing anymore possible damage. i mean look at the time it took since your initial post you could have had that all done already.

I’d lose more by delete everything then just a few website passwords, i’d rather take a day or two to get rid of this then spendcountless hours tyrying to find all my music, games, and ect

prevx would be great but it doesnt delete the malware unless i buy it which i dont have the money for…

currently running MBAM. so far so good, its not fully done scanning but i hope it gets everything.

Please post the MBAM scan report when complete. And have it “remove selected”. (Select everything found.)


pretty much nothing, I’m going to do another scan with prevx last time it had like 24-27 malware, ill see what iti says and im going to do another full scan with MBAM

prevx is alot faster then MBAM so im guessing thisll take an hour or two, but i have a feeling mbam wont pick up the files im trying to get rid of.

Did you update MBAM before scanning? can’t tell without the scan report. (It’s a text file rather than a screenshot.)

You might have to find the stuff with Prevx, and then try to manually remove it. You’ll possibly need a program capable of deleting a file on reboot, unless you know how to write a .bat file for that. (I don’t, so don’t ask.)

you can also run SUPERAntispyware http://www.superantispyware.com , and Vipre rescue http://live.sunbeltsoftware.com/ both are free and get rid of zango and shopper report

thanks but i got rid of those lol, trying to figure out how to get rid of these other things, gonna be back in a bit i guess