hey well everytime i turn my laptop on some cyber protection comes up and when i get on the web it will blocked about ever page and a screen will come up (cyber security) saids my computer as a virus and if u click yes to let cyber security fix it goes to a blue screen and restarts the compute. any suggestions thank you
Please download and run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
ok i will thanks
Hi Max,
Have your tried to do a boot time scan with avast?
Remove Cyber Security (Uninstall Guide)
Hi nmb,
Whether this application need to install or only run without installation?
download and run. its only 84.4 KB app.
HI nmb,
Thanks for the advice, and i running your referenced application now.
Anyway, where is this product come from?
Hello Yanto.Chiang,
Here it is
Have your tried to do a boot time scan with avast?
no because i don’t no how
Boot time Avast Antivirus Scanning