I Have...A Virus Problem. I dont know if avast can help.

Yep, I found it. Win32:Jeefo.

And Its been there for over a year. I have a little problem and avast cant really help.

I was browsing with avast, and I found in my WINDOWS folder about 118 randomly named folders (like $nt_uninstall$) loaded with MORE FOLDERS like (758411548…) LOADED with infected files! I found the little root of the WinJeefo File, and I cant scan it. I wanna just delete it all manually along with all those random folders. Here, I will get a screenshot of what it looks like:


I went on Mcaffe and found that the root file is called SVCHOST.EXE I’m hoping maybe you could help me remove this crap… Without removing any system files. I COULD REALLY USE SOME HELP!


Your folder image isn’t showing randomly named folders at the filename isn’t shown completely, but care has to be taken as many will be legitimate folders/files. Many of the $NTUninstallKBxxxxxx$ are uninstall folders for security updates, see image. these allow for the uninstall of a KB (Knowledge Base) security update if it made your system unstable, etc. Over time there can be an awful lot I wait two to three months and if no problems I remove them (not something to do unless you are fully aware of what they are and what you are doing), removal would mean that you couldn’t uninstall the security update.

However I have seen one occurrence of a fake NTUninstall file mentioned in the forums.

You need to exercise care as svchost.exe in the correct location is a valid system file.

Where did it find the infected svchost.exe mine is in two locations c:\windows\system32 and C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles anywhere else and that could be malware.

Ok thank you, So…would it be safe to remove the svchost.exe File?

You need to exercise care as svchost.exe in the correct location is a valid system file.

This was a cryptic clue to tell us where your copy is located ?
Without information I can’t make any recommendation. Deleting the legitimate file will cause serious repercussions.

Remember deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest and investigate. Or You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner Or Jotti - Multi engine on-line virus scanner if any other scanners here detect them it is less likely to be a false positive. You can’t do this with the file in the chest, you will need to move it out.

ok thank you

Are you going to answer the cryptic clue and tell us the location ?