Cant listen on port 113…
I couldnt find out what it was… but a friend told me to check for viruses/trojans…
I found some and removed them (after reading how-to here, thnx)
But still something is using my 113 port so i cant connect to ftp’s ect that need to use the ident…
What can i do ? Im getting very frustrated here…
lets say my indent are “hello” in my indent prog… but when i check it on f.eks mirc its random letters, different each time, so something must be wrong ?
I would really preciate some help here, cuz im stranded
what trojans(exact name&version) where found and removed ? With which AV-Prog (uptodate??) ?
have you checked corresponding virus-Info-pages and removed/repaired the trojan-related registry/system settings ?
some trojans also drop other trojans/malware…
What’S to be found in your autostart/startup list (check especially RUN-entries in registry and win.ini/system.ini)?
any suspicious processes in taskmanager ?
It depens on what Win do you use. You can type “netstat -a” inside a dosbox(Without the “”)or ue tcpview from this side:
and of course try the tips, whocares gave you.
thnx for the help,
i used this… and it came up with totaly different stuff than avast… 4 infected files… i deleted them and my port 113 is now free again
We need a Name of that Malware. You still know it? Or just use the Trendmicro housecall again. Maybe you share your Drives to the internet and it comes back that way. or it is in the systemrecovery folder, but avast and TM Housecall should find it there,too.
ive used spybot and adware… and found about 20 files that i deleted.
But still i have the port 113 prob. I use avast and it will find some trojans again i guess. (ill try later today, have to go now), but if i use that online scanner i get totaly different stuff (some .dat files), is this 2 programs detecting different stuff or it just the same ?
What shall i do now ? Run avast and paste the warnings here ?
i have run it now… and the same one are back: Here is the output:
No, that will not help. It will “only” say found generic.trojan. You can check the files avast reports as trojan generic by using this link:
Or use the service from Trendmicro again and say what it will find.
We need an other name than trojan-generic!
Difficult to say. It depense on the situation. One thing is allways usefull never trust a (unknown) file, not from an email, from a frind or via irc. And allways use your Brain!