I hope it's okay

to stay logged on. I’m afraid to logout because I’m afraid Avast won’t remember my forum password.

I never log out (I just close my browser), but you need to have cookies enabled for avast.com and or forum.avast.com as I believe that is how it is remembered.

@DavidR: exactly. That is how most sites track you. IP tracking is much less common as a login type since IP sharing started. Cookies are used instead. But I’m sure you knew that.

I do have cookies enabled for the forum.

Then don’t log out, just close the browser, give that a try and as Bod has said in your other topic remember or write it down and stick it on your fridge, etc.

Not forgetting you can send for a password reminder, etc…

And please STOP making a new post for every time you have something to say.

You make things harder on those that are trying to help you.

Sorry! No need to use the bold large print!

Sorry but you didn’t seem to see the small print David was using. :slight_smile:

Yes, I seen the small print David was using. What does that have to with anything.?

Stick with one Topic. Don’t open up several threads it only confuses the issue.

I had already mentioned not posting multiple related posts as it makes it very difficult for us to keep track, this didn’t seem to work.

You have to realise that if it is hard for us to follow your posts, people just stop trying to follow them.

Just look at the post count, most of which has happened relatively recently and 17 topics created and that doesn’t include your other profile midnight2 (4 topics created). So from our ‘volunteer’ viewpoint it is almost impossible to keep up when information, questions are spread far and wide.

You can post but keep it in one place. :slight_smile:

So I’m supposed to post EVERYTHING in General Topic’s?

If it is related to the same issue then keep it in the same thread that you started, not spread one issue through several threads as no one is able to follow the topic.