I installed Avast on a xp pc, but now it asks me user password that was not there before. What do I do?
Is this Avast saying it is requiring a password to access it, or does your computer require a password to login to it?
he ask me a password to have access in windows xp…
Not related to avast! then.
Add the logon screen of Windows XP
Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE on your keyboard
Enter in the username field
Leave the password BLANK dont enter anything
That should allow you to access your computer
Click Start
Control Panel
Click Users Accounts
At the bottom there is option that says “or pick an account to change”
Click the name of the user account that has a password on it/
You should have on the next page, a option to remove password
Yes, it is related to avast, because it asks me a password only after installation of avast…
If i press ctrl+alt+canc nothing happens because i had to access before…
the username is ANTO O.o. I tried to use as a password "avast, avast!, anto, left it blank…nothing…
Follow this 8)
Aggiungi la schermata di accesso di Windows XPPremere CTRL + ALT + CANC sulla tastiera
Immettere nel campo Nome utente
Lasciare vuota la password Non indicare nulla
Questo dovrebbe consentire di accedere al vostro computer
Fare clic su Start
Pannello di controllo
Fare clic su Account utente
In fondo vi è l’opzione che dice “o scegliere un account da modificare”
Fare clic sul nome dell’account utente che ha una password su di esso /
Si dovrebbe avere nella pagina successiva, l’opzione per rimuovere la password: P
i tried but if i press alt+ctrl+delete nothing happens…
in your picture. you have two fields in the username one enter
for password leave it BLANK
then press ok
it said me: “impossibile accedere. esistono restrizioni sull’account” “can not be accessed. There is restriction on the account”
try this
restart your computer
keep on pressing f8
advanced boot options will load
navigate to safe mode and press enter on the keyboard
safe mode will load
once it has loaded, can you take a picture of the screen please.
i reset my pc…
you can close this topic, thanks