I swear by all things holy, no matter how often I try to register a licence for AVAST 4 Home Edition, latest version, since I’ve only been using Avast 4 Home Edition since about Christmas time, the web site at Alwil will NOT accept my E-mail, which just happens to be the same one as I’m using here.
I have tried multiple times and still get the message that I have to use a proper E-mail. It’s the ONLY one I EVER use for anything. So tonight I tried again, this time disabling Zone Alarm and even my popup blocker, it didn’t matter a hoot!
Yet, AVAST clearly knows my name - as far as I know it’s the only name I have - since my name is there as is my “temporary” key to the programme. Go figure, because I’ve run out of ideas.
I using WINXP. I run a spyware blocker, but this ought not interfere with an antivirus programme.
I’ve only been using computers since 1978, so what the hay should I know? You’d be surpsied…learn something new every single day since I began with DOS in '78. LOL
If ANYBODY here has a clue as to why some web sites REJECT a legitimate E-mail (not a vanity address, or Yahoo! or MSN! or whatever) while other web sites pose no problem whatsoever.
I’d really appreciate some suggestions, Folks. Really I would. I’m getting steamed.
I remember everything before I was born…it’s been downhill all the way since. Wish I’d thought of it before I was born. ;D
I’m guessing I just don’t have any Karma! It’s that ying/yang thing. Never gonna get no Karma. Personality by the truckload though. Dang, hate that when that happens, don’t you?
Hi “Culpeper”,
Would you be related to Thomas, 2nd Baron Culpeper of Thoresway, Colonial Governer of Virginia? One never can know these things for certain, but if you don’t ask right questions, it isn’t likely you’re going to get the right answers. ;D
As for host…goes like: this “kwaizykid@sympatico.ca” Poof! Begone!
See? ;D
Dang, I’ve been found out! Culpeper Minute Men :o Try using a simple web based email account like yahoo or something to get around this glitch. Otherwise, wait for the Alwil Team that will address this in the morning. Or in just a bit. I think. They are in Europe. Eastern Europe.
I have had semilar problems on my own with the registration-thing.
I posted it a while back,…but then it worked again.
Like Culpeper said: try making a webbased account: hotmail or yahoo and check the email not by OE but by the website.
I am sure this will work then.
Remember: “Dumb people, are people who never ask things”,… so in your case you have a problem and you ask advice on this board,…so i do not consider you dumb,…
I’d like to be a Llama Roman…even a Dalai Lama would be nice…I’m easy. ;D
Thanks buckets guys! No, really. Honest. Would I kibbitz you? Little me? ;D ;D ;D
So after living a nice peaceful life up here in the Great White North, amongst the icebergs, and Polar bears, I went and hotmailed myself which I positively did not want to do, been there, done that… >:( hate hotmail et al.
But I know you tried and after all that’s what buddies are for. Thanks. Waiting now to hear same old same old. I only have 51 more days to go before I dump Avast! :-X