i need help with a trojan

This “virus” is launch every day at startup internet conection.
Win32 wintrim is the name

Avast delete the troyan and if you desconect and conect internet another time the virus is captured.

Why? I don’t understand

Make sure that you’re avast is up to date then reboot in safe mode and run a full system scan. Avast won’t load, so you can right click on the C: Drive and choose scan or start avast from the programs menu.

I do that, but is the same.

When i get conected to the internet another time Avast! detect de virus, and delete it!.

Somebody knows what succeed ???



where is the virus located ?

ad-aware & spybot might help initially, but please read “VirusRemoval” below on how to secure your system & IE. Otherwise, it’ll always come back…

What Win do you have ? are all windowsupdates applied ?