I need the switch for Avast Internet Security 5.0


What is the specific switch for the program Avast Internet Security 5.0

To do what?
To insert where?

يادلخ شلون افهمك عااد الله يرجك انت ووجهك اللي كنه وجه ابو جعل مواصل

to set the program to silent mode

There is a " Help " file in top right corner

The switch is not found in the Help file. Please inform me of what the switch is so that I can set it to silent mode.

واترك التصريف عنك يالتسلب

silent what ?
update sound off ?
update popup off ?

I want to do a silent installation. In order to do so, I need the switch. That’s why I’m asking you for it. I have already searched the Help file, if I had found it there I wouldn’t be asking for it. Please let me know if you understand what I mean now or not.

Why didn’t you say so in the first post, so we would not have to guess…

Don`t no if this help but found this

يابعد والله المطران كلهم ;D

Thank you for your help. Yes, it worked perfectly.