I am a new user of HE4 and my trial period “expires” on the 5th August …I have registered now on 9 occasions and have never got a key from the so called robot … (I have checked spam and firewall and antivirus)
I have even sent e-mails to avast support ( with NO responses )
I suggest you try a different email address as this would appear to be an ISP or user installed Spam filter at work. Ensure that you whitelist register @ avast.com (without the spaces) in any anti spam filter.
What is your ISP and is that the same domain of yoyr email address ?
You could get a free Yahoo account, this has worked for many to be able to receive their registration key email.
It normally registration email comes from register @ avast.com without the spaces. The ones from asw.cz don’t seen to be filtered as your forum email notifications use the asw.cz domain and they seem to get through without problem.
I just wonder if Alwil should use the asw.cz domain for the resend email requests as many requests might well be to do with spam filter blocking ???
Some isps use a spam blocker which isn’t very configurable by users. The one my isp uses only give you 3 choices and no whitelist to which you can add to. Because of my outlook express rules, I just checked my mail on line until the email came though. I can’t remember if it had been tagged as spam or not. If it had been then I could have reported it as not spam and it would have been added to my??? safe list. Bit of a hassle I know, but it’s free.