I switched to Avast! 4 Anti Virus protection

I told myself earlier this year = = =
If the THEN CURRENT Internet Security 2005 version was going to hang my PC again, I planned to switch out 5 months early on my subscription because they were TOO expensive to answer questions. And I was sick and tired of one of their processes always not responding. on start up and at restarts and shutdowns.
So i did lots of research and switched to Avast! 4 Anti virus last month .

See my signature for other New software on my PC.
I have two PC’s-
A brand new fast Dell on Xp sp2 and an older PC using windoes 98SE

Another Symantec converted ;D :wink:
So, life goes on … you’re the 2.456.435.384 smart guy that leave the dark side ;D

It’s weird that people who paid alot of money getting the antivirus program switch to a free antivirus program in months. :slight_smile:

It’s not weird. It just proves that the price of an AV program doen’t determine it’s Quality. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: