I want to do a virusscan before windows has started. I’ve done it before, when Avast asked me to do it. But now I want to do it again, how could I do it?
I want to do a virusscan before windows has started. I’ve done it before, when Avast asked me to do it. But now I want to do it again, how could I do it?
Schedule a boot-time scan from within avast, this is mentioned in the avast help file (a very informative document). This does require an NT based OS, such as XP (you didn’t state yours)
It seems I can’t click on it. On this computer i have ME.
I think it won’t work for ME.
Thanks a lot though
As DavidR said, it only can be done on NT based systems.
But if you want to scan without Windows being loaded, you can use Avast for DOS to do so.
It is freeware. Link to it as well as the key for it is in one of the threads Technical started here.
(see his signature or use the search option)