The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\downloading\279140\icudt51.dll is being detected as containing a virus. I submitted this to total virus and only AVAST made this detection. I am fairly sure this is a false positive and I should just exclude it, but I would like to be more certain.
Also, Malawarebytes does not detect any problem with this file.
anyway have done it for you… detected by avast as Win32:Evo-gen [Susp] = Suspicious
Symantec also detect as: Symantec reputation Suspicious.Insight (this you see at the bottom, under additional ifo tab)
I attempted to report it but I am not sure it “took”. I then noticed a login button, so I tried that, but it didn’t accept my forum login. Do I need to re-register for the support area? Or maybe that area hasn’t caught up with my registration yet.
Sorry about the misunderstanding of what you wanted, but I am noob and am doing the best I can.
I registered at the support site, tried to submit a ticket. It seemed to take, but when I clicked on show my tickets nothing was there. Very frustrating.
I am suspicious that the file, 21.7 mb, may be too large to upload. Unfortunately it won’t accept my submission without a file, so sending a link doesn’t work.
Sigh. I think I am just going to exclude Steam entirely and live with it.