Idea about Avast! Vista Gedget 8)

HI all
We all know that many users choose Avast! not only because it’s free, have good detection and many setting, but also because off his nice skinable interface, sounds and features like that. So why don’t do Avast! Vista Gadget? It will show us AV status that we see in Control Center :slight_smile: and will have ability start AV with it. I know there are people who made Avast! skins, so I think thay can made nice Gadgets too. Also will be good to change Avast! screen saver like Vista-s.
I think its good idea, what do you think about it?

It would be a good gadget 8)

Is there anybody who can ask someone to do Avast! Vista gadget?

Just a comment… I don’t use avast! because it is FREE. I use it because it WORKS.

Just my 2 cents.

Oh REALLY ? ? ?
Your Avast! WORKS :o
WOW Congratulations !!!

PS: thread is about Avast! little feature, that will be nice, not about works it or not…

Hi guys, I was thinking about this about half a year ago, but I somehow concluded that it would be sort of useless… ;D
I mean, ignoring the fact that I hate the Sidebar (and have turned it off since the very beginning), do you really want to waste the precious space on your screen with some almost-static piece of information…? Some even complain about the 16x16 px icon in the task bar notification area… :wink:

E.g. for ADNM (the avast network management system), it would make some sense (the current status, gathered from all the machines on the network, changes frequently, and can be actually quite entertaining to watch) - but for the standalone, consumer version…?


For some users, who don’t use Vista gadgets, maybe it would be useless, but for users who use Vista-s gadgets I think it would be nice feature. At least who don’t like Vista-s gadgets can don’t use it, as you sad…

It could be in the background, only in desktop…

I kinda like the sidebar. CPU/MEM meter, network utilization, HDD usage and calendar are very useful gadgets :slight_smile: I kept the clock because it’s sexy :slight_smile:

I like it too, if someone will make it for Avast!, it will be very cool 8)

Maybe avast! CPU/memory utilization, file scan count, program and VPS version info, there is really lots of stuff to display and there is always many geeks to use such features :wink: ;D

I found site about a simple guide to creating Vista Gadget:

I really want Avast! gadget and hope this guide will useful for person who will make it ::slight_smile:

Can’t you follow this guide ???

;D I can’t do it, I only can create sample gadget ::slight_smile: