idle task could be added by the avast developers?


outside the screensaver , could be nice have a idle taks

i mean when the pc become idle for x minutes , 10 or 30 minutes , run a task

like a fast scan , or rookit scan ,or other tasks


Nothing stopping you take advantage of the avast screensaver scan.

No idea what you mean by other tasks, not many avast tasks that aren’t already automated.

schedule ?!?! after 20 min idle pc

You set up the Wait delay on your windows display properties for the Screen Saver, avast won’t start until the screen saver starts.

You then use the Settings button to set the other avast screen saver settings (limited).

by the way , in the first topic i wrote outside the screensaver…

I appreciate that, but why reinvent the wheel if you can use something already in existence.