If virus comes...

with emails, is it better to delete immediately or save to Inbox ?
Saving to Inbox is default choice in normal protection.
What do you think, is it better to change this option ?

If I were you I won’t doubt, I’ll discard it immediattly.
Any email, if comes from a friend of you and it’s contaminated, could be sent again you can ask so.
But, otherwise, an infected mail will mess your system… :cry:

And I´ll do so ! Thanks again !

Hi Tech,

There is a better option still. If you do not need 'them never get e-mails to enter your machine in the first place, use Mailwasher, a nice I think Australian anti-spam program. If your ISP virus and spam filters warn you there, delete mail. Let Mailwasher check according to some good spam listings as well, and then delete them right there and then on the server of the hosting ISP or ISP pop server. You have to pay for Mailwasher now to download it. But there is always that site that has the last free version ;D . PS. Never tick bounce in Mailwasher, you are ill advised to do so. Untick things that you trust, if you are completely sure, because when installing screening through spam lists, you can land on one of these also.



It is always better to delete it, especially if it is unexpected, but first write down any details of the email from address, subject, etc. and check with them (if you know them). If it was wrong you can always have it sent again.

Once it gets into your inbox it becomes more difficult to deal with and depending on your email client, you could lose the whole inbox. So it is best to use the inbox as if you were in an office, stuff comes into your in tray, you read, action and file in the appropriate location (other email folders, personal, work, newsletters, etc.).

That way if you do have a problem and you lose your inbox you lose very little. The inbox is the most likely to suffer corruption if you have a system crash as it is usualy open.