If you use ZoneAlarm (Free or Pro.)and have ever wanted to trace attacks shown in the log, you need THIS
Very Interesting and it’s FREE. : : :
I mostly use THIS SITE to trace, query and such.
Eddy the big difference is this one is directly integrated with ZA.
They also make a version for BlackIce.
Bob: It looks interesting. Loads fine. Appears to be useful and easy to use. Thanks.
Well, SKYCOMP, Zonelog is not a freeware as VisualZone :-
Worse, as I can see by the webpage, the features are the same (even the submition to DShild.org.
I wish I had thought to mention VisualZone as Bob did. I’ve used that for about 3 years now. It’s a great free program!
Hmmm … did someone redesign VZ’s interface to be Zonelog? ???
Does anyone know of one for sygate?
Does anyone know of one for sygate?
Likewise here, will there ever be one for Kerio also.
I’m presuming it should work with the Security Suite edition?
Hi Hammer,
I'm presuming it should work with the Security Suite edition?It's still ZA just with siome extras and it still produces a log for the firewall portion of the program. And that's what this program analyzes.
I’m downloading VisualZone now. How do you get it to scan the ZA logs, or even just launch VZ? 8)
PS I’m on Win 98SE.
Menu Arquive (or File) > Set the default folder for ZoneAlarm logs (generally, C:\Windows\Internet Logs*.txt, see into ZA settings for logs).
I don’t remember more if I’m correct… I stoped using ZA free intead of Outpost free
You lost me? Howdo you launch any program? Double click it and it automatically imports the ZA Log file and then analyzes it.
Bob, again, you said the same of me with easier words
Thank you 8)
We both have a post at exactly the same time. Answering the same question. That can get confusing. ???
Do we need to trace attacks? Is it just curiosity or is there something we can do after the trace? (I have not yet had an attack.)
Only if your curious. I just use it for info.
Sojourner - You most likely have had attacks. You just don’t know it because ZA has not told you. That could be from the settings you have in the program.
As an example, about 3 years ago several students at UNC-CH tried quite a few times to get into my computer. Using ZA logs alone gave me no clue who was doing this. But, with VZ, I was able to track down where it was coming from … right down to the physical longitude & latitude.
When I first contacted UNC-CH computer authorities, they said the ZA logs didn’t give them enough info to track down who on the campus was doing this. With the physical information & logs given from VZ, the attacks stopped.
And, if you are often getting attacks from certain companies or individuals, you can report these to agencies that track and report the offending companies and/or individuals. But, please make sure these need to be reported before doing so. It may be better to first contact the source as I did in the above example.