If you're looking for help

I’m sticking this in the avast-4 forum only because it’s probably the most active one here.

Would you please give at least a broad idea of your problem in the topic subject? That way we can look at the forum and see just by topic-subjects if it’s something we can help with. Or, of course, if it’s something we’d like help with ourselves.

“Please help” doesn’t give us a clue, and means opening the topic to find out what it’s about. And many of us who would otherwise be delighted to help if we can, just can’t be bothered.

Thanks and best,

P.S. This might make a useful “sticky”.

Good suggestion, MikeBCda. I suggested a sticky for the same thing months ago. Some thing like “how to post”. Now with someone else suggesting the same, maybe others will join in supprting your suggestion.

Not only does it give us a clue as to what the problem is, it can also be useful to those trying to use the forum search function or simply browsing the forums to find a solution to their own problem.

I think rather than a sticky there should be something about posting in general (notice in home page, link at top of each forums, policy, etc.) before making a post, check the forum search function, use a meaningful topic Title. However neither of these are of much use for those who don’t read either forum policy, the existing stickys or use the forums search before diving in and posting. Often posting in an existing topic about a totally different problem.

Sorry if I’m not hopeful in seeing a change in the status quo/behaviour.

how about a sticky in bright flashing lights, locked in position right above the first new post? ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

I know what you are saying and sypathize with you. You, alanrf, tech and others are always answering posts and would make life easier if you had the info you require at the beginning rather than wait for the poster to answer questions on their system.

Just a tip for posters. Create a signature with your info in it ie comuptor, os, security programs. That way it will show up in all of your posts. Save every one time and you will get a solution faster.

I’m not unduly concerned for me but for other forum members or those using the search function to try and find a resolution to their problem. Good descriptive titles can be very helpful and can be weighted more if you use the advanced search function (see image), this helps narrow the search to more meaningful results.

Agree 101%. But I see you ask the same questions over and ovr, what is your os?, name of file? etc. You must have a macro key for these ::slight_smile: Any way keep up the good work! It’s appreciated.

Just notepad files with lots of common questions and suggested solutions and good old cut and paste ;D much faster than my typing speed. I have considered one of the Clipboard tools but notepad files are quick, easy and free ;D

;D Ahh, I know you had a trick or two ;D

I just want an index of all the screenshots DavidR has posted so that I am not always hunting for them when I want to show someone what to do.

He must have a ton on’em. He’s got pictures for eveything! :o

When/if you find it I’m sure that I will appreciate it to ;D

I Use photobucket.com to store most of the common screenshots, the less frequently used ones I store in a local folder, Images\ ‘screenshots’ original eh, and attach them when necessary. The others I just use SnagIt 7.2.1 it isn’t the latest version but it does the job of capture, edit, annotate, highlight in one operation extremely well and is one of the best time saving pieces of software I have bought for a long time (MailWasher Pro another).

So as you can see even I don’t have an index in one of my notepad files ;D