I got a window from avast saying a virus was found, the iframe exploit. I put it in the "chest. Does it just stay there, or do I have to do something else to it?
Also, this happens consistently when I go to PayPal. Is my info compromised? What should I do to be able to use pp again?
I emptied my cookies, etc, ran about 3 scans (avast, avg, some microsoft one) and the latter two didn’t find anything, while avast keeps finding the exploit.
Advice, please!
PS: Why didn’t I pay more attention in my computer science classes???
Just check if it is the same as the one reported in the other topic, if so don’t worry. If it is different, then post it here, but break the link so it isn’t live, e.g. http:// www . examplesiteurl.com.
I doubt you have anything to worry about, although it is a different url it would appear to be the same issue, a problem with how avast sees paypal’s use of the iFrame to import a page/information.
Though, I don’t know how the other file you mention got on your system, web shield should have intercepted it. Perhaps it was already on your system and after a VPS update was then deemed infected. I would suggest you jus clear your browser cache (temp internet files) as that is where it is.
So, all the other stuff that came up when Googled (ie: back up system, something about restore), or, um, the Geek Squad guy said he could come over for $250… not necessary. Should I avoid clicking the help link?
So, do I understand this: there is no virus/threat, its just something avast pops up??? Harmless?