well this is troublin me s oo much… the minute i switch on my computer i start gettin the AVAST! ON SCANNER MESSAGE… LIKE IN EVER 2 SECONDS!!..well its givin me the same virus message again n again… n i have deleted it like a million times till now … plzz help me as im not able 2 do anyhtin cuz of this!!

the virus’s name tht it informin me abt is sth like sindoews system 32…win 32 trojen gen

Disable system restore, reboot and let us know if the problem is solved.
If not provide more details like:
What OS?
What file is infected and what is its location?

well eddy im quiet new 2 this… soo i didnt really get. ya…like wht do ya mean by disable system restore… how can i do tht… n how can i then reboot it…??.. plzzz help me out!!.. i actually had stop the acces protection…2 work on my compurter… cuz as i told ya im recevin messages in every second… AND WHAT IS OS??

OKAY … im havin trouble with the followin virus
win32 trojen gen(other)
its infectin various files like:
msdirectx.sys(folder anme :c:\documets &steetings \window
rdriv system( folder name c:\windows\system32

Ok, since you are new to this… Let’s try another aproach.
Visit THIS PAGE and follow all 9 steps as explained there.
If you don’t have them already, use the programs mentioned in the first table on that page.

I suggest you first read the entire page before doing anything.
If needed/wanted print the page and put it near your keyboard.

Good luck and if there is something you don’t understand, let us know here.


eddy this is kinda diiflicult…lol… i know im like the dumbest person on this forum…lol… but can ya tel me a essier way… ??

  1. Click on THIS PAGE in my previous link.
  2. Dowload the applications in the first table there. (if you don’t have them already)
  3. Boot in safe mode url=;en-us;315222[/url]
  4. Run the applications.
  5. Reboot and see if the problem is solved.

the page explains very clear how to do everything, if you have a question post back.
anyway, heres a simplified version of what you have to to:
first, it seems like theres some virus in you pc that wants to stay there, and you need to delete it. if avast for some reason cant delete it you can boot in safe mode and program a full system scan. to do this just press F8 when you computer is booting(the black screen) and you will get a number of options, choose booting in safe mode and open avast to scan all your sistem.
you can also program a boot scan if that doesnt works, just go to avast > START avast > menu> boot time scan. i recommend you to be carefull with system files, so dont move them if you are not sure, and NEVER delete them, that why the virus bault exists.
you could try using some antispyware programs or online antivirus scanner if needed.
again, read the whole page befor doing anything and if you have any question post back.

well … i deleted all the infectd files from the virus chest… i even scheduled a boot time scan… but there r still thses 2 infected files… which r syenstm files… n i think becuse of them i still getting thses messages continuosly…n its very difficult 4 me 2 work on the net cuz of this… / even off the net… soo how do i download all tht stuff when these messages r conflictin with my conection… nplus i also wanna ask … do we have 2 pay 4 all the things tht were mentioned in the st table…well except avast!

Koolkat, do not delete the files into the system folder. Try to send them to the Chest.
Can you run avast! into Windows? If not, boot pressing the F8 key and choose save mode. From there, run avast!

Do you remember the name of the infected files and the path of them?

well the name is msdirectxsystem and the original location is:
C:\Documents and Settings\window
a message containing the name of this file is popin up again n again… im really bugged this is been happein since 1 n 1/2 days now… well it wasnt there be4 but suddenly i dun know wht happened… i tried the boot scan …but still this file is infected !!!.. plzzz. help me as im not tht good with computers!

The path is very strange… If the boot scan failed, have you already tried to disable System Restore?

If you find a virus keeps coming back after you delete it, it’s most probably infected the System Restore folder, the best way to solve this is to disable System Restore, reboot your machine and then enable it again. After all, run a full avast! scanning. System Restore cannot be disabled on Windows 9x.
Enable/Disable System restore on Windows ME:;en-us;Q264887
Enable/Disable System restore on Windows XP:;[LN];310405
Windows attempts to protect files that are deleted from the system folders (just in case it was an accident), so they can be restored if required. The problem is many malware writers are wise to that and put their files in the system folders, this is also done to confuse you into thinking you could be deleting an important system file.

Disable system restore, reboot, scan and if clean enable system restore again.
Start > Control Panel > System > System restore > Disable
Click Apply
Enable it again
Click Ok

well TECH… i have practically tried everything ya guys have told me… except tht i cant download all the things tht eddy said cuz of my connection tht is conflictin with these meesages… NOTHIN SEEMS TO WORK… im still gettin thses messages… n clickin delete// sth move 2 chest… im really pissed now… its almost been 2 days… plzz tel me is there any alternative left now!!!.. should i try 2 unistall avast … n then install it again… maybe thses messages will go then… wht do ya think???

This is not the solution… if avast! is the only part of your system that is reacting correctly… You’re infected, remove the medicine won’t make you better…

Did you try to disable system restore?
Try to clean your Internet temporary files.
To do this go to Internet explorer >Tools > Internet options > Delete files > Click delete all offline content (just to be sure) > click ok.
It might take some time to delete them.

Clean the Recycle bin.

well i tried 2 clean the internet exloperer files but thers just nothin in them ths suspicious… they r all fine… i ve cleaned the recyle bin too… now wht shud i do… these messages r not goin anyhwre???

maybe a hijackthis log would help…
just google “hijackthis”, the file is very small, then use it to create a log of your system
(do not try do delete anything) and post it back here.

well guys im sorry 2 trouble ya a l s oo much… but mrdm … i cant work on the net soo really cant download tht file cuz of thses instant messages… soo im finnally thikin of callin sum software enginner !!../ is there still sth left tht can be done… without the net!!

sooo is there like no solution left no… except 4 me 2 call a software enineer… c uz the avast thing is on hold now… i have stopped the access protection soo im not gettin anymore messages … but then tht is dangerous too!!

Try getting a friend to download anything you need, burn it on to a CD and then you can work on your system off-line.

the file is really very small so you could download it from another computer and transfer it in a floppy disk.
can you tell what are the contents of the directory where the infected file is located?
you may need to do this in order to view them.
open windows explorer and then go to folder>properties> view system and (stealth) files.
just make sure not to delete anything unless you know what you are doing.
also try to add those files manualy to the virus chest(under user files category) and see what happens.