Hi everyone,
I’ve been on windows 7 since the beginning and it had its ups and downs but along the way that OS became pretty stable and reliable. I have also took my time to tweak several of my Windows 7x64 Pro to its max and I have to say, my windows 7 its fast and now runs glitch free.
Time is approaching when windows 7 support will end and I’m thinking on upgrading to windows 10 Pro for Workstation and there is a reason I chosen that version but that is separate from why I’m writing my concern.
ATM. I have several asus x99 WS-10G workstations with ton of internal mechanical storage HDDs ( 80TB) but they are set to run only for 10 min and then through power options they turn off and they stay off until they are needed.
Now! I’m testing windows 10 and everything seem to work fine but I’m having hell of a time with the HDDs, they will stay off for 10-15 minutes and then spin back on and they will spin on then go off again just so they will be waken by who knows what and go on again. This is driving me nuts. I have looked on the internet and it seem that ton of people have that issue but no one can find solution and this is happening on windows 10.
Before you ask if I have set the power setting correctly or disables indexing and disk defrag as all these need HDDs access, yes all its turned off I have also turned all background apps from running.
This is just an example what Im talking about but there is ton of people have this problem :
It seem that there are theories that maybe this or that is doing this or that but shortly after it becomes unresolved again.
So…I’m curious if any of you guys have that problem and again, you would have to have additional mechanical HDDs on that system which some of you might be just running of SSD and have external storage, is this something common with windows 10, what is going on
BTW. I called MS and o boy, how some of these guys get that job…literally, you talking apples they talking bananas I wont even go there I was absolutely disbelieved with such low knowledge level some of them have.
Any t5heories or suggestion would be great.