Hello everyone,
I have some troubles making Avast (free edition) working lately. I want to uninstall/reinstall it.
But the uninstallation give me the following message :
14:21:56Infoinstcont[4724,3892]2015/04/02 14:21:56 START: Avast installer/updater
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]Command: '"C:\Program Files\AVAST \Setup\Instup.exe" /control_panel /instop:uninstall'
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz,4
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]Memory: 49% load. Phys:2105608/4134112K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:4103880/4194176K free
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]DISKs: C:\ - 76GB free / 368GB total
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]Running module version: instup.exe - '10.2.2215.880'
14:21:56Infoinstup[4724,3892]Running module version: Instup.dll - '10.2.2215.880'
14:21:56Infosimutex[4724,3892]Checking for the mutex ownership.
14:21:56Infosimutex[4724,3892]The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
14:21:56Infoguiwizard[4724,3892]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ''
14:21:56Infoguiwizard[4724,3892]Loaded module version: C:\Program Files\AVAST \Setup\HTMLayout.dll - ''
14:21:56Infoguiwizard[4724,3892]Setup gui was successfully started.
14:21:59Erroravast_connector[4724,3892]Create: LoadLibraryEx('Aavm4h.dll') has failed with code: 126 (0x0000007E) []
14:21:59Infoinstupcore[4724,3892]Product uninstallation has started.
14:21:59Warningsystem[4724,3892]StartRestore: 'SRSetRestorePointW' call has failed with status: 1058 (0x00000422) []
14:21:59Erroravast_connector[4724,3892]Create: LoadLibraryEx('AavmRpch.dll') has failed with code: 126 (0x0000007E) []
14:21:59Errorservers[4724,3892]Load: file 'C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\servers.def' does not exist.
14:21:59Warningstats[4724,3892]Statistics could not be sent because servers.def does not include stats2 url.
14:21:59Errorinstup[4724,3892]The product definition (gpb) was not initialized properly. Setup cannot continue.
So I tried avastclear.exe, which give me this :
The stub cannot run installer/updater executable 'C:\Program Files\AVAST \setup\Sfx\instup.exe' (code 0x3)
So I’m completely stuck with an unworking avast
But I saw this problem have been largely encountered and I ran FRST64. My logs are uploaded with this message.
Could anyone write the Fixlist for me ?
That would be awesome !
Thanks for reading,