Hi, In which sub forum head, i could give a feedback or future request for avast free antivirus
Right here.
Hi, Normally when avast scan alerts some vulnerability, it gives solution also to change the admin pw and dns server. Changing the dns server did show no vulnerability. But,there are more to it than meets the eye. After changing the dns, the vulnerability is not shown in avast, but shields up , check of ports did show some vulnerability with use of ping . So, what i did was to go to the router settings, disabled pings from both lan and wan access, then go to the tr069 settings to change the url with the help of my router vendoes dlink, helpdesk, and then enabled protection from Dos attacks. After all this, i changed to auto detect the ISP from google dns and avast wifi inspector does not show any vulnerability now.
I know, that avast scans what it could do show vulnerability or not. But users should atleast check their routers for ping settings to disable udpecho chargen attacks, and also maximum to protect their internet access.
Kudos to avast alert of changing of admin password, which is essential layer of security at the first level from cfg attacks.