Incompatible AV Software Running

When avast tries to start I get the above heading and the following message:
“avast! detected that the following program is running
H+BEDV AntiVir
The on-access scanner module of this program and the on-access scanner of avast!
CANNOT be active at the same time.”

I did a search on H+BEDV Antivirus, but the sites returned were few and in a different language.
Does anybody know how I can correct this? ???

You will have to uninstall 1 or the other.

I got over 150,000 hit on “H+BEDV Antivirus”

If English is the language you are looking for start here

Or do a google search.

mrcdsbnzgirl, wow what a difficult logon name :stuck_out_tongue:
avast! will conflict with another antivirus.
Please, uninstall AntiVir Guard module or, better, all of it.
If you want, after learning how to manage it, we can guide you how to have it with avast.
By now, uninstall quickly before you get in very deep trouble and can’t boot your computer anymore…