incompatible program with Avast

I have been looking for a new anti-virus and came across this site. I am very interested in Avast as I also recently set up a Linux box and would be interested in the Linux version for that.

To try it out, I downloaded and installed the free home version. I am so far very impressed with the program except for one thing.

About 2 years ago I purchased and installed Syncrafile. This program monitors folders for changes. Once it detects a modified file, it copies that file to the backup location. I use this program to keep backups of my e-mail, addressbook, favorites folder, my documents folder and more.

It appears that these two programs are not able to run together. If I attempt to start Syncrafile while Avast is running, my pc locks up. If I have both programs start when the pc boots, it freezes before it boots. I have definitely narrowed it down to these two programs. If I leave everything else run, my pc boots and runs just fine. But once I try to start both these programs, it locks up.

I tried to contact the makers of Syncrafile, but their site is down. I was wondering if anyone here has experienced the same situation or has any ideas? I would hate to not have this work together.


…get another samekind of proggie…

demolish that Syncrafile

What is your OS? What are your settings of the Standard Shield provider? Did you try to change some of its settings to avoid the conflict?
Can this Syncrafile be downloaded anywhere (some kind of trial version)?

OS is XP Pro SP1 and with all updates.

Standard Sheild is High

I don’t think you can download it anymore, the programmer seems to have taken his site down or not paid his bill. It does offer a trial version if I remember right. I am trying to see if I can find a place to downlaod it or I can e-mail it to you. It’s 400kb.

I guess he didn’t pay his bills and all the download links are for his own site. It’s gonna be a hard file to find on the internet now. Even Tucows doesn’t have it anymore and they use their own download sites.

agartner, you can see some backup utilities here.

Ghostfiles seems to do the same. It’s a good application for ‘real’ time backups. They could be not safe in some situations: you do something wrong and … it is automatically backup into your backup folder…

Sometimes, you want a ‘clean’ backup and not a ‘real-time’ one.
Anyway, your application make any copies of avast!'s folders?
Is it real-time, I mean, does it copy anything from the backup folder to the original one?

I recommend: TaskZip and Cobian Backup. No troubles with avast! :wink:

if ya need to find it,use EMULE!

i think that proggie finds allmost anything.


Can Avast monitor eMule dowloads ? If not, eMule boot sector viruses can pack a mean kick !


I’m just guessing here, but perhaps you could try excluding the Syncrafile’s ‘backup area’ from Avast.