IncrediMail Problems

thanks again for the good job you are doing :wink:

1)I install IncrediMail, as I go to mail protection wizard, manual setting,my incredimail account on hotmail is not listed in the account selection , however the incredimail account of my brother with is on yahoo appaer in the list. What should I do to Protect my account? ???

2)Is the french version ready? and where can I find it? :smiley:

3)Is there anyway an can make avast automatically delete infected mail because I lately receive tons of infected mail. :-\

Thanks for all

ps: Sorry for my poor english, im french

Run the Mail Protection Wizard (Start Menu > avast! antivirus).
Choose other email client than MS Outlook/Exchange
Check Automatic protect all your email accounts
Check Protect the accounts created in the future
Finish the wizard

See this forum:;action=display;threadid=2307

Oops, only in the Professional version. Or you can choose the โ€˜Silent modeโ€™ into the Interned Mail provider settings and the file will always be sent to the Chest (default for answer โ€˜Noโ€™ at that settings).

The mail scanner cannot check Hotmail because it is not a POP3/SMTP-based account.