I’m using Windows 7and recently reformatted when it was alerted that I was infected with Trojan DOS ALueron E. But despite reformatting the virus is still in existence. Microsoft Safety Scanner only partially removed the virus.
I performed answMBR version0.9.9.168 20ll Avast Software and it detected Disk 0 partition 4 was infected MBR-Alureon-K [rtk]
Service MpNWMon C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MpNWMon.sys locked 32
Only option here is to fix MBR which Im afraid will compremise my system…so what should I do then?
Unable to run Avast full scan on safe mode (which Im currently on)
This is a new variant of Alureon and one that created its own small partition in order to place the MBR rootkit.
This needs further analysis by a malware removal specialist:
Go to this topic http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 for information on Logs to assist in cleaning malware. Use the information about getting and using the logs and attach the logs here, not in the LOGS topic.
I hope all the files attached can be opened. Do I need to run any other test? As I do not think I have a hard drive infection…but I’m not too tech savvy…so I could be wrong…but my files and folders are alright at present. and i only reformatted yesterday so…hardly have any files…on my laptop.
Go Start > Run
Type in compmgmt.msc
Select Storage
Select Disc Management
Locate the 4 Mb partion (4)
Right click and select delete
Rerun aswMBR and post the log please
At present everything seems to be working fine, I’m going to sleep now its 5 am plus. Will check back tomorrow if there are any issues. Thanks so much truly appreciate you taking the time to help, it is most appreciated, sorry for all the silly questions n installing 2 anti virus in one…op system…good night…i mean good morning.!
OH my gosh…I’ve been working on this Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E virus for DAYS! I’ve tried every thing I’ve found on many forums and the instruction to go into the disk management and delete the partition finally worked. In my case, it was a 1MB partition. Thank you!