Infected with Win 32 and 64 Help

Kids won’t stay off Youtube. So this started a few weeks ago. Love my avast !
Help please. Won’t move to chest. Tired of the avast ding ding ding every time it blocks ! LOL

What is the full text of the alert, e.g. file name, location and full malware name ?

Or can you post a screenshot of the avast alert window ?

If posting a URL then change the http to hXXp to prevent the link being active.

Not sure how to do screen shot.
When the avast blocker pops onto screen, it reads : Win32 Z access-JC(Trj)
If I dig into my scan logs, it reads : Win32:Sirefef-PL[Rtk]
Thanks in advance for your help. Dan

You have a rootkit that is trying to connect to malicious sites and avast is preventing it from getting much worse.

This needs further analysis by a malware removal specialist:
Go to this topic for information on Logs to assist in cleaning malware. Use the information about getting and using the tools and attach the logs here, not in the LOGS topic.