For the last 10-14 days or so, I’ve been logged out of Facebook and other forums on my laptop. This does not affect the same forums/apps that I access on my phone - luckily, as the two-factor authentication used by Facebook requires me to log in on another device. I wouldn’t mind so much if it were just once a day, but it is literally every time I close the app/site.
More seriously, I’m the owner of a small ecommerce business that takes payment via PayPal. For the last week or so, the Transfer Money screen has not been displaying properly, making it impossible to perform a transfer. I assumed it was a problem with PayPal and the technical department are due to get back to me with a fix.
However, having turned off Avast protection, this and the log-out issues I was having are miraculously cured. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I can’t afford to connect to the internet without virus protection.
Has anyone any suggestions for a fix?