I have to update a client witch is not connected to the internet.
I downloaded the update from “https://www.avast.com/en-us/download-update” (Avast VPS update for versions 12+) and try to install it.
Now I am getting the following error message: “InitGroups: definition XML for part ‘vps’ was not loaded yet! IPTV Canada”
The problem exists since the update from 19.5. to 19.6. every day I downloaded the update and got these error message.
Also it seems that the update file from “https://www.avast.com/en-us/download-update” didn’t changed since a few days. Every day the File has the exact same size an file version number. Shouldn’t be there a new update file at least every 48h?
The program also displays last update on 24.06.19.
Does someone has the same issues, or does someone has a solution for this problem IPTV Canada?