I did get the archive " avast4workstation-1.3.0.tar.gz " from the avast site, do I need to unarchive and copy the content’s of the avast4workstation-1.3.0 folder in " / " or I can run the program directly from the folder whitout installing it?
hostname Downloads # ls
avast4workstation-1.3.0 avast4workstation-1.3.0.tar.gz
hostname Downloads # ls
avast4workstation-1.3.0 avast4workstation-1.3.0.tar.gz
hostname avast4workstation-1.3.0 # ls
bin lib share
hostname avast4workstation-1.3.0 #
[b]I have found the instrucions, they are located in
localhost avast4workstation-1.3.0 # ls
avast.pot EULA FAQ helpfiles INSTALL libs LICENSE README[/b]
Installing from tarball
No installation is required, files in the bin/ can be run directly after
unpacking the .tar.gz archive. If you would like to integrate avast! into
your KDE or GNOME desktop, run
./lib/avast4workstation/share/avast/desktop/install-desktop-entries.sh install
from the place where you unpacked the archive. Run
./lib/avast4workstation/share/avast/desktop/install-desktop-entries.sh uninstall
to uninstall previously installed menu entries.
Please see the README file and man pages for more information how to use
the program.