I want to speed up the loading of Avast and not change the Temp folder location of windows which is already on the HDD. If i move the temp to ssd as well, the number of writes will be too much. Right now Im just moving commonly used programs from my main HDD drive to secondary SSD. If i install avast on SSD and leave temp folder where it is (on C HDD windows), will it speed up avast and also will it increase the number of writes on the SSD?
If you really want to speed things up, install windows and avast on the primary ssd.
I already have windows installed on HDD. The problem is that I have installed many programs on it and don’t have time to install everything again so was just trying to optimize existing installation as fast as possible.
Well you can move windows and all of your files to ssd in no time but you have to use a program to clone your hdd and transfer it to your ssd download this acronis true image program use this link:(hxxp://www.acronis.com/en-us/personal/pc-backup/) and use this manual how to use it link:(hxxp://www.acronis.com/en-us/support/documentation/ATIH2014/21824.html)
note: convert the hxxp to http.
With that program you can transfer your windows directory,files contain in your hdd into your ssd without reinstaling windows and your program applications all over again.
I hope that this solution will help you.
Did you do the write load calculations? Unless you have an SSD that’s fairly old, that’s not normally a practical issue with modern SSD hardware. Modern controllers do wear leveling, and you’ll get years of service even with very heavy write loads.
I agree with David.
Ghost the hdd to the ssd.
It will (or at least should) speed things up a lot.
It is easy to do
Another good Imaging software & Free.
Macrium Reflect: http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.aspx
Cloning Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwBdbhqtjA8