Installed Avast! but no icon has appeared on the system tray. Only access to Avast is through Program menu.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Installed Avast! but no icon has appeared on the system tray. Only access to Avast is through Program menu.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Loda and welcome here!
Can you give more informations concerning your OS, desktop configuration…
Hi Niko. Running XP Home SP2, P4 256 MB
Have you got an another AV running on your desktop?
Niko. Negative, no other AV.
Loda, welcome to the forums…
Can you take a look in your avast4.ini file and tell me what it says under Database= line ?
This is the default path for the avast4.ini file (of course if you didn’t change your default avast! installation location):
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini
The best for you is to uninstall Avast! with avclear4, and then re-install Avast! once again
Niko. Thank you. I’ll give that a try. Appreciate your advice.
Let me know if it’s ok
You can also go into Computer Management and check are those avast! services started… see screenshot
S.Z. Used all defaults during installation. Computer in question is not presently available.
Using defaults during installation doesn’t mean anything… for so long time helping here, I’ve seen many people just like you, with defaults while installing avast! and still they had to change some things in order to make avast! works properly. Not every system in the world is the same… so keep that in mind.
You came here for help, so why not answering my first question ? What’s the value behind Database= in your avast4.ini file ?
I asked you are those services active… I bet they are not even started, so it means you are not protected. Sometimes on some systems, for whatever reason, those providers don’t start as they should… so we have to force them start first time…
Will check Computer Management and Services. Thank you.
Very nifty graphic that you supplied.
Thanks, but graphic is not so important right now… first and most important thing is to solve your problem… if nothing of those things helps, then you should just go and listen to Niko’s advice and try completely uninstalling avast! and then reinstalling it from the scratch. We want you to be proud and happy avast! user, right ? ;D
Cheers !
Database value is ODBC. Pardon the delay. Am new to this forum.
No problem… try changing that value to XML… don’t touch anything else, just replace ODBC with XML. Save avast4.ini, exit notepad and, after that, restart your system (it’s very important) and see if that helps any… still it would be good to check are those avast! services up and running (see screenshot I posted up there)
Cheers !
Thank you for your advice - and your patience. And I’m convinced that Avast! is a super product.
No problem Loda, Niko started to help you, I’m just here in case he forgets something… if nothing of these advices helps, just listen to his advice and reinstall it from the scratch.
Please, keep us updated is your problem gone after you change database value…
I am not at the computer that has the problem. Will log back on tomorrow when I have had the opportunity to implement your suggestions.
Thanks again.
No problems at all… when you are ready, just come back and if that doesn’t help, I’ll try to come up with something else…
Good luck !